2024 Release Notes

Notes updated with each release



RFx is now available to all users on Curvo.
Whether if there is Purchase Order data in the account or not, when creating an RFx, now it's possible to upload a PO file and map the entries to new facilities, allowing users to initiatite RFx processes for facilities that are not connected to Curvo


Users will now be able to filter their results by Category and Subcategory in the Contracts list. The drop down values for these filters are based on Categories and Subcategories that were assigned by the user when creating Contracts. Categories and Subcategories can also be seen in the list of filtered Contracts so the user can see at a glance what Category and Subcategories are associated with the contract.

When making changes in the Manage Members section of a Contract, users will now have the option to Undo their most recent changes. The Undo button will undo one action at a time. If the user does a "drag to update" multiple rows with the same value, all the rows that were updated in the "drag to update" will be set back to their previous values.

Home Page

When users are on the home page, they will now see color added to the labels for Market Baskets. Red indicates the basket shown is for increases in price or utilization where Green indicates the basket shown is for a decrease in price or utilization for the basket.



When users are managing Contracts, they will now be able to Undo previous actions in the Products And Pricing grid. The user is able to Undo all actions taken in the current session for the section.

When users are managing Contracts, they will now be able to drag to update multiple rows with the same value for the Manufacturer, Vendor, and Categories columns in the Products And Pricing grid.

Data Explorer

When users conduct a search in Data Explorer, they will now be able to export selected rows.

When users are reviewing their search results in Data Explorer and they expand to view the details for an item, they will see an improved view for the Similar Products BetaThe Similar Products are sorted by relevance, products with the most similar sizes or most common in the market are shown first.


Home Page

When users log into cx-app.curvolabs.com/ they will be directed to the new Home page. Also, by clicking on Home, users can navigate to the new Home page at any time. 

On the new Home Page user will first see the Featured Content section. Featured Content is used for Announcements/Messages from Curvo to all customers. Customers can also request custom Featured Content that will be displayed to users within their organization only. Users can scroll left and right between Featured Content if there is more than one current message.

The second section of the new Home Page is Market Baskets. If users have access to Market Baskets, they will see 9 Market Baskets on the Home Page in groups of 3. The order that these Market Baskets display is:
1st - Basket with the biggest price increase
2nd - Basket with the lowest price decrease- based on price change
3rd - Basket with the biggest utilization impact
4th - Basket with the lowest utilization impact - based on utilization change
5th - Basket with the best opportunity at 75th
6th - Basket with the highest spend
then an additional 3 baskets with favorites first with the rest sorted by opportunity(if the Market Basket is already in the list from at least 1 of the previous 6 rules it will not be displayed in the last 3 even if favorited)
Users can scroll left and right between the 3 groups of Market Baskets.
To see more details for the Market Basket users can click on the title of the basket and they will be directed to the details for the selected Market Basket.
If the user wants to view all the Market Baskets they can click on See All > or they can select Market Baskets from the Left Side Navigation.

The third section of the new Home Page is RFxRFx(previously Opportunities), contains a list of RFx's the user has created in the system. If the user does not have any RFx's they will see a card linking them to Start an RFx. If the user had previously created RFx's they will see the 6 most recent RFx's they created. After the 6 RFx tiles, there is a Start an RFx tile that links the user directly to the Create RFx screen.
Details shown in the RFx tiles include:
Name - link to RFx details
Current Spending
Spending Goal
Vendors Contacted
Offers Received - count of offers received including a message letting you know if they meet the goals set for the RFx opportunity. 
Due Date

The fourth section on Home Page is Contracts. In the Contracts section, users with Contracts will see their 8 most current Contracts based on updated date. If the user does not have Contracts, or they scroll to the last Contract, they will see a Create a Contract tile, that will direct them to the Create Contract screen.

Left Side Navigation

Users will now navigate to different sections of cx-app.curvolabs.com/ via the Left Side Navigation
Within the Left Side Navigation users will see the sections of the site that they have permissions to access in one of two sections, At a Glance and In Depth. While on any screen, users can close and open the left side navigation by clicking on to close and > to expand.

Order for Left Side Navigation

At a Glance:
Market Baskets(previously Baskets)
RFx(previously Opportunities)

In Depth:
Data Explorer
Sourcing Plans

Help & Support
- button with links to Help & Support documents
Profile - takes user to profile screen where they can edit their profile(based on permissions)
Settings - takes user to their Organizations list(based on permissions)
Users - takes users to the User Management Page(based on permissions)
Log Out


Market Baskets

When users navigate to Market Baskets they will see the Savings opportunity by basket graph open at default. The graph can be closed at any time by the user clicking the ˅

Data Explorer

In Data Explorer, the Similar Products section has been improved to sort similar products by spend so that the most relevant similar products show first. Similar Products are grouped by manufacturer and the user can close/expand each manufacturers similar products.

In the new Standard views in Data Explorer, users will now see the impact columns text as Red when the impact is not positive, and Green when the impact is positive.

In the New Products Purchased standard view, the results are now sorted by Total Spend in descending order.

When exporting results from Data Explorer, the loading icon will stay on the screen till the download has completed. This is to let users know that the download is still being processed. When the download completes, the user will see the download and the loading icon will close automatically.


Read-only permissions have been added to Contracts. Users with read-only access to Contracts, will not be able to change basic info, add/edit tiers, upload parts, update parts in the parts list, add/edit cross references, add/delete supporting documents, or assign members to tiers.

When uploading a Products And Pricing file in Contracts, users will now see a progress bar letting them know that the file is still loading. The Continue button is now disabled until the file finishes processing preventing the user from accidentally bypassing the Map Fields step.

When creating or updating a Contract, users can update/add the Category and Subcategory in the Product And Pricing details grid.

Another addition to creating or updating a Contract, is that users have the option to add a Category, and/or Subcategory in the Basic Info step. Users can create new categories and subcategories or select from the dropdown list(dropdown list is populated by inputs from all users in the Organization). Subcategories are tied to each unique category. User can select multiple subcategories.

Category and Subcategories can be used when searching for Contracts.

Opportunities - RFx

Opportunities pages have been updated to RFx

When creating a new RFx, users will see a message on the Pricing Target step, letting them know that the process is running and not to navigate away or close the browser.

When uploading a basket in the Baskets & Goals section, Vendor and Vender Item no longer show as required fields.


Data Explorer

In Data Explorer, users now have access to eight Standard views that can be utilized to see Pricing and Utilization trends, as well as New Products Purchased and Savings Opportunities.
considerations: Last 3 Months data is calculated on the last available purchase date that has been sent to Curvo. If a facility data is not current, we will still perform calculations based on the last 3 months of available data provided by the facility.

Recent Price Increases - This view shows the user their facility items that have a price increase over the past 3 months. We calculate the impact this increase in price will have over the next 12 months vs. what the spend was for the item over the previous 12 months for the facility. The results are sorted based on the 12M Price Impact in descending order, showing the items with greatest potential impact to the facility spend first. To view the Purchase Order details for the items, the user can expand the data for each row.
formula: (lastPrice - firstPrice) * last12mQty

Recent Price Decreases - This view shows the user Items for their facilities that have a price decrease over the past 3 months. We calculate the impact this decrease in price will have over the next 12 months vs. what the spend was for the item over the previous 12 months for the facility. The results are sorted based on the 12M Price Impact in ascending order, showing the items with greatest potential savings to the facility spend first. To view the Purchase Order details for the items, the user can expand the data for each row.
formula: (lastPrice - firstPrice) * last12mQty

Utilization Increases - This view shows the user items for their facilities, that have an increase in purchase volume over the past 3 months. We calculate the impact this increase in utilization will have over the next 12 months vs. what the spend was for the item over the previous 12 months for the facility. The results are sorted based on 12M Utilization Impact in descending order, showing items with the greatest potential impact to facility spend first. To view the Purchase Order details, the user can expand the data for each row.
formula: lastPrice * (last3mQty * 4 - last12mQty)

Utilization Decreases - This view shows the user items for their facilities, that have a decrease in purchase volume over the past 3 months. We calculate the impact this decrease in utilization will have over the next 12 months vs. what the spend was for the item over the previous 12 months for the facility. The results are sorted based on 12M Utilization Impact in ascending order, showing items with the greatest potential savings to facility spend first. To view the Purchase Order details, the user can expand the data for each row.
formula: lastPrice * (last3mQty * 4 - last12mQty)

New Products Purchased - This view shows the user items that were purchased for their facility for the first time over the last 3 months. If a facility has not submitted recent purchase data to Curvo, we will display recent purchases based on the most current purchase data submitted. A tool tip was added to the column letting the user know: "First Purchase Date (Sorting by days to the Line item's Facility's Last Purchase Date. Mouse over to see days)". To view the Purchase Order details, the user can expand the data for each row

Savings Opportunity at Top Decile - This view shows the user how much potential savings they would have if they purchased their products at the Top Decile Price over the next 12 months if their purchase volume stays the same as the previous 12 months.
formula: (lastPrice - topDecile) * last12mQty

Savings Opportunity at Top Quartile - This view shows the user how much potential savings they would have if they purchased their products at the Top Quartile Price over the next 12 months if their purchase volume stays the same as the previous 12 months.
formula: (lastPrice - topQuartile) * last12mQty

Savings Opportunity at Median Pricing - This view shows the user how much potential savings they would have if they purchased their products at the Median Price over the next 12 months if their purchase volume stays the same as the previous 12 months.
formula: (lastPrice - median) * last12mQty


In Baskets, when the user selects one of their custom baskets, they will now see the name of the user that created the basket, as well as the date that it was created.

In Baskets, when the user selects a basket, and then chooses to Edit the basket, we now display the information in our AgGrid component with Pivot Mode enabled. This allow the users to group their data by columns of their choosing. This feature is already utilized in other table views across the curvo application.


In Opportunities, we have updated the Pricing Target section so the users are not able to navigate to the next step until their pricing targets have finished uploading. This will prevent the user from accidentally navigating to the vendors section prior to the previous step being finalized.


In Contracts, users will have view only access to contracts that were not created by their user account. Users will still be able to view/edit all contracts that they created.

In Contracts, when the user is on the Products And Pricing step, they will now have a type ahead search when editing Manufacturer or Vendor. If the desired Manufacturer or Vendor is not listed, the user has the ability to type in the desired Manufacturer of Vendor name and select that entered value to populate the section.

February/March Release

Data Explorer

In Data Explorer, users can now view Similar Products grouped by Manufacturer. To view these details, the user will click on the carrot icon (>) and select Similar Products. The user can see the details for the Similar Products by selecting one of the Manufacturers. Each similar product will show the Item Description, Manufacturer #, GUDID, GUDID Brand, UoM, UoM Conversion, Benchmark 25th, Benchmark 50th, Benchmark 75th, Benchmark 90th, and 510K

In Data Explorer, the upload file search has been improved to allow for better matching on manufacture based on the manufacture field mapped by the user. The user is also now able to customize the date range for the upload file search results, allowing them to better filter their results.

In Data Explorer, the clear search functionality has been improved to include clearing all possible filters that the user may have applied while searching.

Opportunities – Scenario Builder

When creating a new Scenario for an opportunity, the user can now see tooltips next to Awarded Savings, Savings Goal, Baseline Spend, New Spend, and Spending Goal.

Create New Contract

Previously, in Contracts, users were not able to create or update their own contracts, they had to contact Customer Support to create new contracts for them. Now users can Create New Contract within the Contracts page. This will allow users to manage all the components needed to create a contract, such as Products, Pricing, Tiers and Cross-references

Users will first enter Basic Info for the new contract. Contract Name, Contract Code, Effective Date, Expiration Date, and Supplier are all required fields. Optional fields Sourcing Officer and Contract Description. When all details are correct the user will Continue to the Tiers step.

As the user advances to the next step, the contract is saved as a Draft. If the user needs to come back to a Contract, they can find the draft contract on the Contracts page by changing the filter from Active to Draft.

On the Tiers step the user will add their Tier information including Name, Facilities, Price Tier Rules and Rebates. The user can assign multiple Tiers, multiple Tier Rules, and can apply multiple Rebates.

The next step for the user is Products And Pricing where the user will upload and map their products. Here the user will Upload and Map their products file including pricing. If the file the user will be uploading contains the same fields for mapping each time, the user can save their mapping to be used for future uploads. 

Once the user successfully uploads/maps their product file, they will be able to manage their products and pricing in the Products And Pricing grid, having the ability to update the product details, pricing and removing any unwanted product from the list without having to upload a new file.

If users need to upload additional products to the Products And Pricing, the user is able to select Upload New File

Users can select Reupload to be be taken back to the upload file process, or the user can select Cancel, keep current file if they no longer need to Reupload the file.

When users select Reupload they are able to add to the existing Products And Pricing by uploading a new file, mapping fields, and processing the updated file the same as the original file. If users want to replace the existing products, instead of adding to them, users are able to select Replace the current contract products. The user will then upload a new file, map fields, and process the file to replace the existing products.

After completing Products And Pricing, the user will advance to the optional Cross References step. Here the user has the option to upload a cross reference file for the system to cross like items to the products uploaded by the user. If the user wishes to bypass this step, they can simply advance to the next step.

Another optional step for the user is Supporting Documents. Here the user can upload any needed Supporting Documents for the contract. Upload requirements; xls(x), csv, ppt(x), pdf, doc(x), 10 MB or less. If the user wishes to bypass this step, they can simply advance to the next step.

The second to last step for Create New Contract is Manage Members. Here users will be able to assign a Tier and Price Activation Date for each member organization. Users are able to pivot between multiple tiers if they created more than one tier on the Tier step. If the user wants to see the Manufacturers Market Share and Last 12 Months Spend details, they can expand the row for each organization.

When the user has finished entering their data, they will advance to the Summary section. In the summary section, the user will be able to view the details of the contract for each section. If they need to edit any details, they can use the pencil icon or navigate to the desired section. 

When the contract updates are finalized, the user will then Publish Contract to activate the newly created Contract. If the user was updating an existing Contract, they will Save Contract updates.

Also new to the Contract screen is the Cross References view where the user can view the Cross References that are applied to each Cross Reference List.

Users are also able to expand the Cluster for each cross reference that was assigned during the Cross Reference upload step of the contract creation process. Here the user can remove crosses from the Cross Reference to manage each list.

Users will go to the Contract Spend Matches where they can see the Submitted Spend, Normalized Spend, and Contract Match information for each Facility included in their created Contracts. 

Users can select one, multiple, or all Facilities, to view the details of their Matched Contract Spend.

General System Updates - Security Update

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