How do vendors find the product usage in a Curvo project?

Product usage for a Curvo project is located in the opportunities section of the vendor portal within the project link.

Go to the opportunities section of the Curvo Supplier Portal:

Below you will see a listing of active or completed Curvo projects you or your organization have participated in. Select the project link:

On the right hand side of the page you will see a download link for the Opportunity file. Select the link to download the file:

This will produce an excel report that includes all in scope product utilization for the project. Data fields included in the report:

  1. UOM
  2. UOM conversion
  3. Quantity purchased 
  4. Vendor
  5. Manufacturer
  6. Vendor item number
  7. Manufacturer item number 
  8. Item description 

This file can be used to complete your competitive cross reference if applicable for the project.