How does Curvo calculate benchmarks?

Curvo maintains a national database of clinical products and prices so that you can work with full transparency.

Benchmarks in Curvo are calculated from a database of over 800 hospitals nationwide. This includes big health systems, single-facility hospitals, academic medical centers, and ASCs.  The total spend inside the database exceeds $28 billion and 3.5 million products.  This is a lot of spend. You can trust Curvo's benchmarks.

Benchmarks are calculated in percentiles - 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th.  Benchmarks are presented like your SAT scores. If your price is at the 90th, your price is better than 90% of the other prices, which means you're in the top decile.  If your price is less than the 25th benchmark, then your price is in the bottom quartile and worse than 75% of the prices. Ouch.

You will see benchmarks at the line item product level as well as the category or basket level (however you decide to roll them up in a report).  These are all presented using the same 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles.

Screen Shot 2022-06-16 at 7.25.33 AMEach clinical line item product will have a Price Score too.  Learn more about Price Scores - What is a Price Score?